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It all begins with worth…

If you are looking for a one on one experience with Soul Collective on a budget, this is for you!

Ok I get it, self work costs money. It happens, you find the perfect self help program or course or art course and you are inspired! You keep reading and yes yes yes, you gotta do it! You are so in! It’s all rainbows and sunshine and oh yeah baby I so wanna do that and then you scroll down to the reality check or the check out and see the fee, or the registration fee, plus the fee, plus the extra you gotta have these supplies or tools or paints and then you realize….ugh…I don’t have the money. So quickly the intellectual brain takes over and your inner excel budget sheet shows up and you deflate. Like a red balloon with no helium. This sucks, I can never do anything, I hate my job…so fast we skip to blame, the job, the budget, the spouse, the child demands or the 40 pairs of shoes in the closet we can’t wear at the same time. Blame and then shame. I am not enough, I am never going to afford that stuff, those classes are for someone else and not me.

Holy hell, that spiral can happen in about 15 seconds. The brain is a very strong muscle, the Rock has competition with this one. So, what if, you decided something. That for 3 months you would make space, carve out time, energy and money to create something more for yourself. If you are ready for this, I am ready to receive you.

We work together for 3 months, 90 days.

We establish the pain points and what needs attention and explore you from the depths of you.

This power package is the word itself, powerful. Short, sweet and intensive. Take 3 months and put in the work. Realign yourself to what matters.

This powerful session once a month has been created to catapult you forward in a short time frame. Feel free to run monthly beyond our 3 months together, people usually do. This coaching is incredible powerful, with the singular one on one touch points many of us crave.

Be with me, build yourself up and learn your why!

I am so excited for you.